Home Learning Portal
This is a portal where students and parents can gain access to resources that will assist students with any remote learning.
Google Drive is used to allocate class work and all students are provided with log in details.
This site is arranged into Specialist Subject tabs:
– Reading
– Writing
– Spelling
– Numeracy
– Physical Education & Health
– Visual Arts
Department Resource
Research shows that families are the most significant influence on their children’s learning, development, health, safety and wellbeing. Your family can play a key role in helping your child prepare for school, and then succeed when they reach school. This booklet provides handy tips and ways you can help your child develop literacy and numeracy skills. It provides fun, inexpensive, accessible and practical activities you can do with your child at home. The booklet also provides questions you can ask your child to help them learn. Doing these practical activities will help your child develop excellent reading and writing skills, and help them speak well and be a good listener. Through everyday activities at home you can also help them develop their numeracy skills, such as calculating and using numbers, recognising patterns, and using language to develop mathematical understanding. These literacy and numeracy activities are excellent opportunities for you to model key learning values such as enthusiasm, persistence and curiosity. These tips and activities can also be used by a child’s older siblings and grandparents, or other relevant people in a child’s life, to help develop their literacy and numeracy skills.