It is the expectation of the Upwey Primary School community that children who attend this school, will have experiences which will equip them to:
Reach their academic and cognitive potential
Participate effectively in the life of a multicultural society;
Live as a fulfilled and well adjusted adult and contribute positively to the development and life of their own community.
To achieve these objectives, Upwey Primary School is organised to allow each student access to a broadly based curriculum encompassing:
Discipline Based Learning (English, Mathematics, Science, The Arts, Humanities and Languages other than English)
Physical, Personal & Social Learning (Health & Physical Education, Interpersonal Development, Personal Learning, Civics & Citizenship)
Interdisciplinary Learning (Communication, Design, Creativity & Technology, Information & Communications Technology and Thinking)
An expected consequence of this engagement will be the development of a sense of fulfilment and enjoyment in learning. It is also expected that all students will develop effective social skills through the experience of dealing and interacting with their peers, teachers and students of different ages. School camps and excursions are regarded as an important means of achieving these goals.
Upwey Primary School encourages excellence in all students in academic, artistic, social, emotional and physical pursuits. It is expected that self-discipline and a sense of responsibility will grow from firm, well understood rules and consequences which are consistently applied by teachers and parents.
We believe that the process of transition from one educational organisation to another (eg. Pre-school/kindergarten to primary school, or primary to secondary school) is assisted and promoted by close liaison, collective planning and the provision of sequential curriculum experiences. Our close proximity to Upwey High School and the high level of co-operation which exists between us, provides many benefits to our students including those who will eventually attend other secondary schools.
Our school is reliant upon and keen to support and contribute to its community. For this reason, we invite and encourage direct involvement by community members in the operation of the school. We also seek to make best use, and value the contributions of community members who may be able to visit and impart or share their knowledge and/or skills. Where possible, we will conduct excursions or incursions to enable our students to gain access to local physical and human resources.
Upwey Primary School believes that the children’s education is most effectively undertaken when there is close co-operation between the school and home. The establishment of effective channels of communication will ensure that information can be exchanged in a timely and effective manner. The involvement of parents at this school will be encouraged at all times. An informed and participatory parent body is seen as being essential to the effective operation and progress of this school.
Whether we like it or not, we live in a time of rapid change. It is expected that the programs, resources and structure of the school will be flexible enough to respond to and accommodate differing or emerging needs. To this end, it is expected that the members of the school community will engage in a regular and co-operative process of review and evaluation. This will be followed by the development and implementation of plans and programs which will ensure that the students at Upwey Primary School receive an education which is second to none!